Better, smarter ways to design and learn
Use physics-based models to understand, predict, and improve the behavior of processes, plants, and people.
Simulation & Learning
Take advantage of a full ecosystem of simulation and learning
tools that link conceptual design to engineering and operations.
See what we have done for your peers

Covestro Optimizes Process Simulation for the Digital Twin
World-scale chemical company Covestro optimized process engineering for the Digital Twin by standardizing on one process simulation tool

Promon Engenharia
Brazilian EPC firm Promon cut engineering hours by 15% and project implementation time by 60%.

To meet workforce development goals, BASF selected AVEVA XR for Training for an immersive, 3D learning environment combined with the AVEVA Operator Training Simulator.

With cloud-based operator training simulators, Total OLEUM delivers safe, resilient and agile training to up to 2000 operators per year
Stay ahead of a fast-changing industry
Elevate process engineering by addressing challenges beyond conceptual design. Generate value, improve operations, and keep your plants and assets competitive.
AVEVA Process Simulation
Formerly Known As SimCentral Simulation Platform
Design sustainable processes, products, and plants at the speed the market demands. AVEVA Process Simulation moves beyond linear, wasteful workflows to enable a circular, sustainable world.
AVEVA PRO/II Simulation – The Trusted Steady-State Process Simulator
Formerly Known As PRO/II Process Engineering
A simulator that optimizes plant performance improves your process design and operational analysis by performing engineering studies.
AVEVA™ Dynamic Simulation
Formerly Known As DYNSIM
High fidelity dynamic simulation for engineering studies and operator training solutions in the process and power industries. Meet and beat the dynamic challenges of designing, commissioning, controlling, and operating a plant safely, reliably, and profitably.
AVEVA™ Unified Engineering
AVEVA Unified Engineering is a data-centric engineering environment. Engineer and collaborate across all project phases and multi-discipline teams in real time.
Build real-world experience in a
training environment
Combine simulation technology with sound instructional design for competency-based experiential learning. Enable operators to perform better faster.
AVEVA Unified Learning
Formerly Known As Enterprise Wide Learning
Experiential learning to build and sustain competence for today’s industrial workforce. Eliminate operator error and ensure consistent performance.
AVEVA Operator Training Simulators - Empower operators to run a plant in any conditions
Train operators in a simulated environment identical to the control room – including process behavior and control system response.
Control system simulation
Effectively design, monitor, and optimize your control systems. Solutions include AVEVA™ Simulation for Foxboro™ Control (formerly SCP), AVEVA™ Simulation for Triconex™ Systems (formerly TRISIM), and AVEVA™ PLC Simulation.